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Build A Humanlike AI Chatbot For Free

To Automate & Grow Your Business


Preview & see your custom chatbot in action, within minutes

No credit card needed

Wherever Your Customers Are




Benefit 1

And some reassuring stuff

Benefit 1

And some reassuring stuff

Benefit 1

And some reassuring stuff

Placeholder that combines the above 3 benefits to touch the exact pain point of the audience. We need to sit again on this to fine tune to ONLY THREE benefits (not features) and the priority order.

with ChatVeda,

Anybody Can Build An AI Chatbot, Really!

Because you just need to explain your business & answer some basic questions to our AI conversation experts.
We take care of the rest

Hey, I’m Nikesh. Give me 2 minutes and literally PAY NOTHING, to let me build an AI chatbot for your business.

UI/ Example Slider

To show the use case & make it compelling with sexy UI & animations

UI/ Example Slider

To show the use case & make it compelling with sexy UI & animations

UI/ Example Slider

To show the use case & make it compelling with sexy UI & animations

UI/ Example Slider

To show the use case & make it compelling with sexy UI & animations

Build & See Your Chatbot in Action


Answer a couple of questions over WhatsApp and instantly preview your business chatbot. (Need to work on this copy. This is shit now)

Case Studies

How we helped businesses in real life

Company Name

Increased XXX% by ABC metric in GHJ timeline

Company Name

Increased XXX% by ABC metric in GHJ timeline

Frequently Asked Questions

And answers for a sigh of relief

Note to you two:

As we discussed, I’ve made this landing page narration to set ChatVeda as a platform with expert support, calling people towards the action to preview their chatbot, and get the lead in turn.

Primary experiments

  • CTA buttons: Towards Opt-in
  • Hero heading
  • Opt-in format: WhatsApp Phone Number vs WhatsApp Chat Button

Secondary experiements

  • Element Positioning
  • Track user hover & heat map to figure out benefits & sections that get most value > Emphasize them.
  • Collect survey from leads > Find overlapping data > Improve landing page.

Note: I need one more discussion with you two: Other than about the benefits section & FAQ –  to pitch & critically discuss another idea. (AFTER launching the funnel)

See the where your customers are section? We can drive users to platform specific landing pages to improve context & thus, lead %. This helps in SEO too.

I really insist that we use this ORDER & these elements. We can debate element additions & changes by sitting together?

Also, the heading & content heirarchy matters for SEO too.

The footer & the primary links FROM THIS FUNNEL, shouldn’t have much distractions. Pricing, About, #Benefits (to section), Features, will do.
Let’s debate if we need anything else?

Get this funnel ready, and the first 2K on the Google ads is on me. Because I so badly want to test it out too.

Mini Action Plan I Propose

  • Discuss benefits section (Important)
  • I’ll walk you through the WHY of this structure, being open to changes.
  • List down copy & element changes from above discussion.
  • Place it.
  • Design it.
  • Publish it.
  • Basic Search Ad campaign.
  • Basic Social Targeting Campaign.
  • Basic website retargeting campaign & social.
  • Outreach.
  • Measure the above & refine the action plan.